Adventure Joe: Big Boa [alt]


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Presenting the one and only figure in the Adventure Joe line of toys: Big Boa reimagined as one of Fisher Price’s Adventure People, but with a couple new features not found in the original.

Adventure Joe Big Boa is a “What If?” ode to the idea of Fisher Price making GI Joes. All limbs have been retrofitted with Glyos joints. The helmet is all Big Boa.

Everything is tinted resin save for the chrome and red of the helmet. The crotch is cast in two separate pieces in order to mimic the original figure having a red codpiece and a blue bum. The red accents on the boots are separate casts inserted into the black portion, the bandolier is its own piece, and the helmet and neck post are their own parts. Instead of painting the chrome bandolier and helmet spikes, 30 1.8mm stainless steel ball bearings have been set into the casts. The breather hose was sculpted from scratch using a 1/8″ masonry nail as the base.

Oh, and what is Bog Boa without his fists? NOTHING!
So of course he comes with removable (with help from warm water) boxing gloves!

17 parts, 6 points of articulation. (feet, waist, shoulders, neck)

As this is a completely handmade item slight imperfections may exist. Due to resin mixing and paint techniques, no two will be exactly the same.

The Glyos System Series is © and ™ Onell Design LLC